
Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Chase Plaza Building 12th floor,
Jend. Sudirman St Lot. 21, Jakarta
South 12920


14:00 (GMT+7)



  1. Approval of amendments to the company's Articles of Association, namely (i) increase in the company's authorized capital, (ii) amendments to Article 12 of the company's Articles of Association regarding duties and authorities of Board of Directors.
  2. Approval of the company's plan to increase capital with Pre-emptive Rights ("HMETD") in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations and the regulations in the capital market, in particular the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 32/POJK.04/2015 regarding the capital increase of a Public Company with Pre-emptive Rights as amended by Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 14/POJK.04/2019 regarding Amendments to Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 32/POJK. 04/2015 regarding the capital increase of a Public Company with Pre-emptive Rights.
  3. Approval to pledge the company's assets of more than 1/2 part or all of the company's assets to obtain loan facilities from banks and/or other financial institutions.


BPTR - PT. Batavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk

Rp 76

-2 (-2,63%)