Date | Tuesday, December 20, 2022 |
Venue | South Jakarta (Domicile of KSEI as provider of eASY.KSEI)* |
Time | 14:00 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | - Approval of adjustments to Article 3 of the company's Articles of Association to comply with the Regulation of the Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics No. 2 of 2020 regarding the Indonesia Standard Industrial Classification.
- Approval of the company's plan to conduct a Limited Public Offering to increase capital with Pre-emptive Rights (“PMHMETD II”); approval of amendment to Article 4 paragraph 2 of the company's Articles of Association related to the increase in the issued and paid-up capital of the company in the context of a Limited Public Offering to increase capital with Pre-emptive Rights (PMHMETD II); approval to the company regarding the inbreng plan related to PMHMETD II if there are remaining shares, not taken by Pre-emptive Rights holders, then the remaining shares will be taken up by PT Star Pacific Tbk as a standby buyer on the PMHMETD II, and agree that the remaining shares subscribed by the standby buyer will be deposited by inbreng into the company of the Graha Lippo Building Assets, Diponegoro Boulevard No. 101, Lippo Village, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten owned by the standby buyer, for an equal amount/value (proportional) to the value/price of the remaining shares; and delegation of authority to Board of Directors with the right of substitution to carry out all necessary actions related to PMHMETD II, including but not limited to making or requesting all necessary deeds, letters, or documents to be made before the authorised/fficial party including a notary, submits an application to the authorised /official party to obtain approval or reports the matter to the authorised /official party and registers as referred to in the applicable laws and regulations; and delegation of authority to Board of Commissioners to declare the realisation of the number of shares to be issued related to the increase in issued and paid-up capital after PMHMETD II is completed.
NOBU - PT. Bank Nationalnobu Tbk
Rp 640
+10 (+2,00%)