
PT. Perintis Triniti Properti Tbk.

Issuer Code


Number of shares offered


Ratio (previous stock:new stock)

30 : 1

Nominal Value

Rp 100 per share

Exercise Price

Rp 900

Dilution (if shareholders do not exercise their rights)

3.09 %

Plan of proceeds usage

Assumption 1: If the maximum proceeds obtained is Rp 90,635,750,100, -, then the company will use the proceeds from PMHMETD I after deducting emission costs for the acquisition of assets in the form of land in Labuan Bajo and Lampung inbreng, with the following details:

A total of Rp. 43,103,000,700 will be used for assets acquisition in the form of land in Labuan Bajo covering an area of 193,400m2 owned by PT Manggarai Anugerah Semesta ("MAS") by capital injection in the form other than money by MAS at the amount of 47,892,223 new shares. The land in Labuan Bajo which is in the TanaMori area is a world-class Tourism Area, which will be developed by the company with the concept of "World-Class Digital Sustainable Tourism Destination next to Komodo National Park". The company plans to present tourism commercial complexes such as the Flores tourism education center, villas, boutique hotels and zoos. It is expected that the TanaMori area will become a world-class sustainable digital tourism destination, to be the most in demand by either foreign or local tourists in all group of age.

About Rp. 43,538,999,400 will be used for the asset acquisition in the form of land in Lampung covering an area of 93,018m2 owned by Muhammad Kemal Dinata, Nadya Raisya Setia Murti, Drs. Mawardi, Paryan, and Jumino by capital injection in a form other than money by Drs.Mawardi in the amount of 2,297,707 shares, Paryan in the number of 1,275,232 shares and Jumino in the amount of 1,059,920 shares, Muhammad Kemal Dinata in the amount of 9,231,394 shares and Nadya Raisya Setia Murti in the amount of 34,512,413 shares, with a total of 48,376,666 shares. The land will be developed as a property area with the concept of "Modern Business Park" and is expected to become the largest business and commercial center in the city of Lampung, which connects the island of Sumatra and the other islands. The company plans to establish a multi functional storage house, SOHO, shophouse, and ready to build land which will provide flexibility in functions so that residents can have the convenience of doing business and living.

Assumption 2: If the proceeds obtained are a maximum of Rp 104,405,750,100, - then the company will use proceeds from PMHMETD I after deducting emission costs for:

Assets acquisition of in the form of land in Labuan Bajo and Lampung inbreng which has been disclosed in Assumption 1.

The remaining or a maximum of Rp 13,770,000,000 will be used for the company's working capital, namely operational and land development costs in Lampung and Labuan Bajo in the form of technical services for business consulting (such as management and supervision costs, as well as consulting fees of Feasibility Study consultation, Consultant of Master Planner, and Land Contour Consultant) and procurement in the form of landfill in Lampung. 

Assumption 3: If the proceeds obtained by the company are more than Rp 104,405,750,100, - then the company will use the proceeds from PMHMETD I after deducting the issuance costs for:

Assets acquisition in the form of land in Labuan Bajo and Lampung inbreng which has been disclosed in Assumption 1

A maximum of Rp 13,770,000,000 will be used for the company's working capital, namely operational costs and land development costs in Lampung and Labuan Bajo in the form of technical services for business consulting (such as management and supervision costs, as well as consulting fees of Feasibility Study Consultant, Master Planner Consultant, and Land Contour Consultant) and procurement in the form of landfill in Lampung. 

The remaining or as much as Rp 28,611,433,673 will be used to reduce the company's long-term debt obligations to affiliated parties, namely Septian Starlin, Johanes L Andayaprana, Chandra, DR. Ir. Matthew Yusuf, MM, MBA, and Ishak Chandra.

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS)

October 20, 2022

Effective Date

December 19, 2022

Cum Date in Regular and Negotiated Markets

December 27, 2022

Ex Date in Regular and Negotiated Markets

December 28, 2022

Cum Date in Cash Market

December 29, 2022

Ex Date in Cash Market

December 30, 2022

Recording Date

December 29, 2022

Distribution Date

December 30, 2022

Listing Date

January 2, 2023

Trading Period of Rights issue

January 2, 2023 - January 13, 2023

Distribution Period of Rights Issue

January 4, 2023 - January 17, 2023

Last Payment Date of Additional Share Orders

January 17, 2023

Allotment Date

January 18, 2023

Refund date of excess purchase of Additional Shares

January 20, 2023


TRIN - PT. Perintis Triniti Properti Tbk

Rp 76

+2 (+3,00%)