
Friday, February 24, 2023


Auditorium of Bank Mega Tower, 3rd floor,
Kapten Tendean St 12-14A,
South Jakarta

Link To Follow The Meeting

Access the KSEI Electronic
General Meeting System (eASY.KSEI) facility
at link provided by KSEI


14:00 (GMT+7)


  1. Approval and ratification of the company's Annual Report of the financial year 2022, consists of the company's Management Report, the company's Financial Statements and the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report.
  2. Determination on the use of Net Profits of the financial year 2022.
  3. Directors Report on the company's 2023 Business Plan and Sustainable Finance Action Plan Report.
  4. Appointment of a Public Accounting Firm to audit of the company's financial statements of the financial year 2023.
  5. Changes in the composition of the Company's management.
  6. Determination of honorarium and other benefits for Board of Commissioners and Directors in 2023
  7. Approval of updating the company's Recovery Plan
  8. Approval for submission of the company's Resolution Plan documents
  9. Changes to the Company's Articles of Association


MEGA - PT. Bank Mega Tbk

Rp 3.600

+60 (+2,00%)