
  Wednesday, June 21, 2023


 Graha Atmaja,
Jemursari Number 15, Jemur Wonosari,
Wonocolo, Surabaya City,
East Java 60237


  10:00 (GMT+7)


  1.    Approval of the Annual Report including the Financial Statements and the Supervisory Duties Report of the Company's Board of Commissioners for the financial year ending on December 31, 2022, as well as granting full discharge and release from responsibility (acquit et de charge) to the members of the Company's Board of Directors for their management actions and to the members of the Company's Board of Commissioners for their supervisory actions carried out during the financial year ending on December 31, 2022, to the extent such actions are reflected in the Company's Annual Report.  
  2. Appointment of a Public Accounting Firm to audit the Company's Financial Statements for the financial year ending on December 31, 2023.  
  3. Determination of Salaries and/or Honorariums, as well as other benefits for the members of the Company's Board of Commissioners and members of the Company's Board of Directors.     

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders  

  1. Approval of the amendment to Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Company's Articles of Association regarding the Company's domicile and adjustment of the Company's address.   Approval of the amendment to Article 20 paragraph (6) of the Company's Articles of Association.  
  2. Approval of the change in the composition of the Company's Board of Directors.


出典 #1
NPGF - PT. Nusa Palapa Gemilang Tbk

Rp 32

+1 (+3,00%)