
  Wednesday, June 21, 2023


  Sampoerna Strategic Square, 6th floor,
Meeting Room Anggrek 7
Jendral Sudirman No. 45 – 46, South Jakarta City,
Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12930, Indonesia.


  GMS with physical and electronic attendance through the Electronic General Meeting System KSEI ("eASY.KSEI"). Access the Electronic General Meeting System KSEI (eASY.KSEI) through the link provided by KSEI.


  10:00 (GMT+7)


  Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPST)  

  1. Approval and ratification of the Annual Report, including the Company's Financial Statements and the Supervisory Report of the Board of Commissioners for the financial year ending on December 31, 2022, and granting full release and discharge (acquit et decharge) to the members of the Board of Directors for management actions and to the members of the Board of Commissioners for supervisory actions carried out during the financial year ending on December 31, 2022.  
  2. Determination of the use of the Company's Net Profit for the financial year ending on December 31, 2022.  
  3. Determination of the salaries, honorarium, and/or allowances for the Company's Board of Commissioners and granting authority to the Board of Commissioners to determine the salaries, honorarium, and/or allowances for the members of the Company's Board of Directors.   
  4. Appointment of an Independent Public Accountant to audit the Company's books for the financial year ending on December 31, 2023.
  5. Approval of changes in the use of funds from the public offering, namely changes in the location of the object to be purchased with the proceeds from the public offering.  
  6. Report on the Realization of the Use of Funds from the Company's Initial Public Offering. Explanation:

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPSLB)   

  1. Approval and ratification of the addition of members to the Board of Commissioners.  


出典 #1
TRON - PT. Teknologi Karya Digital Nusa Tbk

Rp 124

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