Widiant Jaya Krenindoの株式は2023年10月16日以降、取引を停止
2023-10-16 09:05:49
In connection with the significant cumulative decrease in the price of PT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk's shares (WIDI) and as a form of protection for investors, the Indonesia Stock Exchange deems it necessary to temporarily halt the trading of PT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk's shares (WIDI) on the Regular Market and Cash Market, as well as the Series I Warrant of PT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk (WIDI-W) on all markets starting from the first trading session on October 16, 2023, until further notice from the Stock Exchange.
The Stock Exchange advises stakeholders to always pay attention to the information disclosure provided by the company.
WIDI - PT. Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk
Rp 15
-1 (-6,00%)