Natura City Developmentsの株式は2023年10月17日以降、取引を停止
2023-10-17 09:30:14
Due to a significant cumulative increase in the price of PT Natura City Developments Tbk's shares (CITY), to cool down in order to protect investors, PT Bursa Efek Indonesia deems it necessary to temporarily suspend trading of PT Natura City Developments Tbk's shares (CITY) on October 17, 2023.
The temporary suspension of shares trading for PT Natura City Developments Tbk (CITY) is implemented in both the Regular Market and the Cash Market. The purpose is to provide adequate time for market participants to carefully consider information relevant to their investment decisions in PT Natura City Developments Tbk's shares (CITY).
Stakeholders are advised to consistently monitor the information disclosures provided by the Company.
CITY - PT. Natura City Developments Tbk
Rp 125
+10 (+9,00%)