
   Thursday, April 25, 2024

Meeting Procedures

 Using the Electronic General Meeting System platform of PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (“KSEI”) (hereinafter referred to as “eASY.KSEI”)


  PT Multipolar Technology Tbk,
Boulevard Gajah Mada No. 2025, Lippo Cyber Park,
Lippo Village, Tangerang, Banten 15811


  10:00 (GMT+7)



  1. Approval of the Board of Directors' Report on the Company's Activities and Financial Administration for the financial year 2023, including the ratification of the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet), Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the financial year 2023, approval of the Annual Report and the Board of Commissioners' Supervisory Report, and granting full release and discharge (acquit et de charge) to all members of the Company's Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners for the management and supervisory actions carried out during the financial year 2023.   
  2. Determination of the use of the Company's net profit for the financial year 2023.   
  3. Appointment of the Public Accountant and determination of the honorarium and other requirements related to the appointment of the Public Accountant who will audit the Company's Financial Statements for the financial year 2024, and granting authority to the Company's Board of Commissioners to determine the honorarium and other requirements for such appointment.
  4. Determination, appointment, and/or reappointment of members of the Company's Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, including Independent Commissioners, and/or determination of salaries/honorariums and/or other allowances for members of the Company's Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.   
  5. Amendment of Article 4 paragraph (5) letter c. and Article 21 paragraph (11) of the Company's Articles of Association to comply with POJK No. 32/POJK.04/2015 YEAR 2015 jo. POJK No. 14/POJK.04/2019 YEAR 2019 concerning the Addition of Capital for Public Companies by Granting Pre-emptive Rights and POJK No. 14/POJK.04/2022 YEAR 2022 concerning the Submission of Periodic Financial Reports of Issuers or Public Companies.


MLPT - PT. Multipolar Technology Tbk

Rp 37.900

-1.800 (-5,00%)