Date | Friday, June 10, 2016 |
Venue | Ballroom Sasono Mulyo 3, Le Meridien Hotel, Jend. Sudirman street Kav. 18-20, Jakarta 10220 |
Time | 14:00 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | AGM: - Approval of the Company's Annual Report of the financial year 2015, including the ratification of the Company's Annual Financial Report and the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report of the financial year 2015, and to release and discharge of all responsibilities to all Board members for the supervision and management carried out in the financial year 2015.
- Determination on the use of the company's net profit of the financial year 2015.
- Determination or delegation of authority to Board of Commissioners for the election of the Independent Public Accountant to audit the Company's Financial Statements of the financial year 2016.
- Determination or grant the authority to the Board of Commissioners to determine the honorarium and/or salary and allowances of Board members of the financial year 2016.
- Accountability report of the proceeds usage from the public offering and the proceeds usage from the shares issuance of Series I Warrants.
EGMS: - Approval to guarantee or collateralize or pledge of the rights of material guarantee of, either part or all of the Company's assets, owned directly or indirectly, to its creditors or other parties, both the Company's creditors, creditors from subsidiaries or other parties, including but not limited to (i ) fiduciary on bank account bills, claims, insurance, inventories, escrow accounts of the Company and/or subsidiaries; (ii) collateral or other rights of security material for other assets, either movable or immovable, owned by the Company and/or Subsidiaries to obtain loan facilities from third parties, to be received by the Company or subsidiaries, currently or in the future, as required by Article 12 Number 4 of the Company Articles of Association juncto Article 102 of Law No.40 of 2007 regarding the Limited Liability Companies.
BALI - PT. Bali Towerindo Sentra Tbk
Rp 1.500
-10 (-1,00%)