
  Tuesday, June 11, 2024


   Prima Sky Cafe & Lounge, VIP Room, Jalan Sampul Number 3, UNPRI Main Campus, 22nd Floor


  10:30 (GMT+7)


  Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM)  

  1. Approval of the Annual Report and Annual Financial Statements for the financial year2023   
  2. Approval of the Appointment of the Public Accountant and/or Public Accounting Firm for the financial year ending on December 31, 2024   
  3. Approval of the Use of Net Profit for the financial year ending on December 31, 2023  
  4. Determination of the remuneration of the Board of Directors and/or the Board of Commissioners of the Company and delegation of authority to the Board of Commissioners to determine remuneration for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company  
  5. Approval of the reappointment/change in the composition of Directors


PRIM - PT. Royal Prima Tbk

Rp 59

+2 (+4,00%)