In connection with the significant cumulative price increase of PT Mitra Energi Persada Tbk. (KOPI) shares and as a cooling-down measure to protect investors, the Indonesia Stock Exchange deems it necessary to impose a temporary trading suspension of PT Mitra Energi Persada Tbk. (KOPI) shares on September 26, 2024.

The temporary trading suspension for PT Mitra Energi Persada Tbk (KOPI) shares will be implemented in the Regular and Cash Markets, aiming to provide adequate time for market participants to carefully consider the available information before making any investment decisions regarding PT Mitra Energi Persada Tbk (KOPI) shares.

Relevant parties are encouraged to always pay attention to the information disclosures provided by the company.


KOPI - PT. Mitra Energi Persada Tbk

Rp 940

0 (0%)