Golden Flowerの株式は2025年2月20日より取引を停止
2025-02-20 08:46:39
In connection with the significant increase in the cumulative price of PT Golden Flower Tbk (POLU) shares, in the context of cooling down as a form of protection for investors, PT Bursa Efek Indonesia considers it necessary to temporarily suspend the trading of PT Golden Flower Tbk (POLU) shares on 20 February 2025.
The temporary suspension of the shares of PT Golden Flower Tbk (POLU) is carried out in Regular Market and Cash Market, with the aim of providing adequate time for market participants to consider carefully based on the information available in each investment decision making in the shares of PT Golden Flower Tbk (POLU). Interested parties are expected to always pay attention to the information disclosed by the Company.
POLU - PT. Golden Flower Tbk
Rp 0
0 (0%)