Modernland Realty、2018年5月25日、年次株主総会開催
2018-04-12 08:37:09
日付 | 2018年5月25日(金) |
会場 | Novotel Gajah Mada Hotel Jakarta |
時間 | 10:00 (GMT+7) |
内容 |
- Approval and ratification of the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements and Annual Reports, including the Board of Directors Accountability Report and the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report of the fiscal year 2017, and to release and discharge all Board members for the management and supervision conducted in the financial year 2017.
- Determination of the Company profits usage of the financial year 2017.
- Approval of the appointment and alteration of the Board members composition.
- Determination of salary or honorarium, and allowances for the fiscal year 2018 to Board member and tantiem of the fiscal year 2017 to Board member.
- Appointment of a Public Accountant to audit the Company's Financial Statements for the financial year 2018 and delegation of auhotiry to Board of Directors to determine honorarium and other terms of the appointment.
MDLN - PT. Modernland Realty Tbk
Rp 52
+1 (+2,00%)