2018年6月8日、Bank Panin Dubai Syariahの新株引受権による株式上場は176,362株に達する
2018-06-08 07:38:26
PT. Indonesia Stock Exchange has approved the shares listing from the preempive rights of PT. Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Tbk (PNBS).
The effect will be listed are as follows:
Number of shares | 176,362 shares |
Origin of shares | Preempive Right |
Listing date | June 8, 2018 |
Trading date | June 8, 2018 |
With this shares listing, the shares of PT. Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Tbk listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange will be amounted to 21,251,999,517 shares.
PNBS - PT. Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Tbk
Rp 50
+1 (+2,00%)