Date | Monday, July 30, 2018 |
Venue | P.T.SUNSON TEXTILE MANUFACTURER Tbk Rancaekek street Km 25,5 Kab.Sumedang-Bandung |
Time | 10:00 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | AGM - The Board of Directors report on the course and financial administration of the Company for the financial year 2017.
- Approval and ratification of the Company's Balance Sheet and Income statement for the financial year 2017, and to release and discharge the Board members for the management and supervision performed in the financial year 2017.
- Determination on the Company's net profit usage for the financial year 2017
- Election of a Public Accountant to audit the Company's Financial Statements for the financial year 2018, and authorise the Commissioner to determine the Public Accountant honorarium and the other terms of appointment.
- The proposed material in the Meeting without abandonment of the provisions in the Articles of Association
EGM - Changes in the Company management composition
SSTM - PT. Sunson Textile Manufacturer Tbk
Rp 214
-2 (-0,93%)