Date | Thursday, August 16, 2018 |
Venue | PT.Ristia Bintang Mahkotasejati Tbk Gedung Ribens Building 2nd floor RS Fatmawati street No.188 Jakarta 12420 |
Time | 08:30 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | - Approval on the Company's plan to increase the issued and fully paid capital of the Company as many as 1,496,460,240 (one billion four hundred and ninety six million four hundred sixty thousand two hundred and forty) shares with nominal value of Rp 200.00 (two hundred Rupiah) through the shares issuance and / or other equity securities that are able to be converted into shares or with Pre-emptive Rights ("Rights") to purchase shares in accordance with POJK No. 32 / POJK.04 / 2015 dated December 16, 2015 regarding the company capital increase with pre-emptive rights (Limited Public Offering II)
- Approval of the plan to deposit in any form other than cash (inbreng) of 68% (sixty eight per cent) of Richard R.Wiriahardja’s shares in PT Manggala Citra Abadi (MCA) and 2% (two per cent) of Michella Ristiadewi's shares in MCA to the Company.
- Approval of plan of deposit in the form of other than cash (inbreng) of 43.6636% (forty three point six six three per cent) Richard R.Wiriahardja’s shares in PT Nusantara Almazia (NA) to the company:
- Approval of the Company's plan to use the remaining fund obtained from Limited Public Offering II (net of all commissions, fees, and other expenses) to increase the Company's working capital by taking into account the legislation in capital market.
RBMS - PT. Ristia Bintang Mahkotasejati Tbk
Rp 28
-1 (-3,00%)