Date | Friday, September 7, 2018 |
Venue | Bakrie Tower Meeting Room 25th floor Rasuna Epicentrum, H.R.asuna Said street South Jakarta |
Time | 14:00 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | AGMS - Approval to hold the Annual GMS that has passed the schedule, and ratification of all of Board of Directors actions and Board of Commissioners until the date of Annual GMS.
- Approval of the Board of Directors Annual Report, regarding the Company's activities and management for the financial year 2017, and ratification of the Company's financial statements (consisting of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the financial year 2017, and to release and fully discharge of all responsibilities (acquit et de charge) to all Board members for the management and supervision conducted during the financial year 2017, as such actions reflected in the Annual Report and the Company's Financial Statements in accordance with the provisions
- Approval to authorise the Board of Commissioners to appoint a Public Accountant Firm to audit the Company's Financial Statements 2018 and other periods in the financial year 2018, if necessary, and authorise the Board of Commissioners to determine the honorarium amount of the Public Accountant and the other requirements.
- Approval to determine the amount of salaries and allowances for Board members, and delegation of authority to Board of Commissioners to determine the salaries and allowances for Board members.
EGMS - Approval to conduct Rights Issue III with Pre-emptive Rights, which includes the Company's Plan to conduct LPO III, changes to the capital structure of related to LPO III and amends the Articles of Association related to the changes in capital structure to conduct LPO III
- Approval to pledge, either all or part, of the assets of the Company and / or the subsidiaries, or to issue a Corporate Guarantee to obtain Financing and/or Refinancing
ENRG - PT. Energi Mega Persada Tbk
Rp 170
-13 (-7,00%)