Date | Wednesday, June 27, 2019 |
Venue | Gowork Coworking & Office, Space, Chubb Square (UOB Plaza) 8th floor MH. Thamrin street No.10, Jakarta 10230 |
Time | 10:00 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | AGM - Approval and Ratification of the annual report of the Company, including the Directors reports, Board of Commissioners Oversight Report and Ratification of the Financial Statements in the financial year 2018
- Determination on the use of the Company's profit of the financial year 2018.
- Election of a Public Accountant Firm to audit the Company's Financial Report of the financial year 2019, and determine the honorarium of the public accountant and the other requirements.
EGMS - The amendment to Article 3 of the Articles of Association regarding the Purpose and Objectives, and Business Activity PT.Trust Finance Indonesia to be adjusted with the Indonesia Standard Industrial Classification (KBLI) 2017
- Approval to use of all assets owned by the company as a collateral for banks and non-banking institutions that provide credit to the company
TRUS - PT. Trust Finance Indonesia Tbk
Rp 1.345
+160 (+14,00%)