Mahkota Groupは2019年11月28日、第1相従業員株式買取計画を34.133.600株に転換
2019-11-28 09:51:02
PT. Mahkota Group Tbk (MGRO) announced that there has been a conversion of the Management and Employee Stock Option Plan (MESOP) Phase I.
Securities description to be listed are as follow:
Number of shares | 34.133.600 shares |
Origin of shares | MESOP conversion Phase I |
Listing date | November 28, 2019 |
Trading date | November 28, 2019 |
Number of shares listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange | 3.554.445.700 shares |
The remaining MESOP | 69.545.440 shares |
MGRO - PT. Mahkota Group Tbk
Rp 645
-20 (-3,00%)