Ginting Jaya Energiの株式は、2019年12月2日以降、売買が停止
2019-12-02 09:27:54
Related to the significant decline in cumulative price of PT Ginting Jaya Energi Tbk (WOWS)'s shares, in order to cool down the market, PT Bursa Efek Indonesia considers that it is necessary to temporarily suspend the trading securities of PT Ginting Jaya Energi Tbk (WOWS) on December 2, 2019 .
The temporary suspension on WOWS' shares trading is carried out in Regular and Cash Market, to provide sufficient time for market participants to consider carefully based on the information available in each investment decision making of WOWS' Shares.
The Exchange asks to all interested parties to always pay attention to all information disclosed by the Company.
WOWS - PT. Ginting Jaya Energi Tbk
Rp 48
+1 (+2,00%)