
Wednesday, August 27, 2020


Meeting Room, Graha Bata
RA Kartini street lot. 28 Cilandak Barat, Cilandak
South Jakarta 12430


15:30 (GMT+7)


  1. Approval of the Annual Report of the financial year 2019, and ratification of the Annual Account of the financial year 2019.
  2. Approval on the use of the company profit.
  3. Approval of delegation to elect a Public Accountant Firm to audit the company Financial Report of the financial year 2020, and authorise to determine the honorarium of the Public Accountant and other requirements.
  4. Request for approval on the change of the Board of Commissioners composition, and determination of salary amount and allowance of all Board members.


出典 #1
BATA - PT. Sepatu Bata Tbk

Rp 50

-1 (-2,00%)