BPTR - PT. Batavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk

Rp 76

-2 (-2,63%)

JAKARTA — PT Batavia Prosperindo Tbk (BPTR) has secured an investment credit worth IDR 185 billion from PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI).

Paulus Handigdo, President Director of Batavia Prosperindo, said that this facility will be withdrawn gradually. "In December 2022, the company took out a credit facility worth IDR 83.94 billion," he said, quoted Tuesday (10/1).

The facility withdrawal is adjusted according to the company's needs, based on the demands of vehicle rents from various clients. The guarantee submitted for this facility is several vehicles, which are categorised as assets of BPTR.

The total credit facility is equal to 34% of the company's equity recorded as of December 2022. (LK/ZH)