Armada Berjaya Trans to add 7 CDD box trucks to its fleet

JAKARTA. PT Armada Berjaya Trans Tbk (JAYA), a company engaged in the transportation for general goods, has reportedly acquired 7 units of CDD box trucks.
The additional purchase of CDD box trucks were carried out as an anticipation of surge of goods’ delivery demands during new year transition from 2023 to 2024. “The new trucks will be added into the long list of existing CDD box trucks of 52 units owned by the company,” Darmawan Suryadi SM, President Director of JAYA, mentioned in the official release.
The expansion of CDD box fleet was carried out by JAYA on December 18, 2023. The money spent by the company to acquire these 7 trucks amounts to IDR 3.09 billion.
All those trucks were purchased from PT Rahardja Ekalancar. Suryadi stated that Rahardja Ekalancar is not an affiliated company of JAYA. (KR/ZH)