DOID - PT. BUMA Internasional Grup Tbk

Rp 406

-6 (-1,00%)

JAKARTA - Individual investor Liliawati Rahardjo acquired 5.09% of property developer PT Summarecon Agung Tbk (SMRA) on Tuesday, May 14. This new investor obtained her stake by purchasing 840.71 million SMRA shares from PT Ciptadana Sekuritas Asia and PT Indo Premier Sekuritas.

Still in the property development sector, the transfer of PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk (ASRI) shares appeared to be on the agenda of two of its largest investors, as PT Maybank Sekuritas Indonesia accepted 15 million ASRI shares released by PT Manunggal Prime Development. In addition, Magnus Jaya transferred 6.90 million shares of PT Metropolitan Land Tbk (MTLA), a property developer, to PT Yulie Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk.

Furthermore, the coal mining contractor services company PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk (DOID) was still conducting a share buyback of 10 million shares. Sukarto Bujung, an individual investor, also purchased one million shares of rice producer PT Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk (HOKI).

On the other hand, PT Elsiscom Prima Karya released approximately 26.92 million shares of the electronic products company PT Galva Technologies Tbk (GLVA). Tan John Tanuwijaya also reduced his stake in the foundation specialist PT Berdikari Pondasi Perkasa Tbk (BDKR) by 17.29 million shares. Prinsep Management Limited, a foreign investor, then closed the market hints by selling 11.32 million shares of PT FAP Agri Tbk (FAPA), a palm oil company. (KD)

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