BNBR - PT. Bakrie & Brothers Tbk

Rp 30

-1 (-3,00%)

JAKARTA – Shares of PT VKTR Teknologi Mobilitas Tbk (VKTR) strengthened as of Thursday (20/2) after its controlling shareholder, PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk (BNBR), sold 1.15% of its shares on Wednesday (17/2). The Bakrie family remains the controlling shareholder of both BNBR and VKTR.

During Thursday's second trading session (20/2), VKTR shares traded at IDR 120 per share, up by IDR 5 or 4.35% from IDR 115 per share on Monday (17/2). However, earlier in the day, VKTR shares dropped by 0.83% or IDR 1 to IDR 120 from IDR 121 per share during the morning session at 09.00 WIB.

Last week (17/2), BNBR sold 500 million shares, representing 1.15% of the total shares listed. BNBR’s ownership in VKTR was reduced to 29.16% from 30.14%. With a transaction price of IDR 100 per share, the total value of the VKTR divestment amounted to IDR 50 billion.

As of January 2025, BNBR was recorded as the controlling shareholder of VKTR with a 30.14% stake, while non-controlling shareholders held 69.59%. The ultimate beneficiaries of the BNBR and VKTR shareholding are Aburizal Bakrie, Nirwan Dermawan Bakrie, and Indra Usmansjah Bakrie. (LK/ZH)