Manpower Minister: Online drivers THR regulations to be announced soon
JAKARTA – Yassierli, Minister of Manpower, revealed that the regulation regarding the provision of Religious Holiday Allowance (THR) for online ride-hailing service drivers (ojol) is in its final stage and will be announced shortly.
One of the key points in this regulation is the government's request for THR to be provided in cash, instead of essential goods (sembako) as was the case before.
Yassierli also stressed that the government is working to create a regulation that considers the complexities of being an online raide-hailing service drivers, such as the type of transportation, services provided, and the drivers' working hours.
"We are optimistic that this regulation will be completed soon. We are seeking the best formula that accommodates various factors, including service types and work patterns of the online ojek drivers. One clear point is that we ask for THR to be given in cash to ensure its benefits are directly felt," Yassierli said in a press conference at the Ministry of Manpower office on Wednesday (5/3).
Interestingly, the proposal for cash THR has received positive responses from app providers.
"Several companies have already expressed their readiness. We are engaging in open dialogue, with no party holding firm to their opinions. Everyone is trying to understand and find the best solution," he added. (EF/ZH)