PTRO - PT. Petrosea Tbk

Rp 3.180

-180 (-5,00%)

JAKARTA – Teguh Patriawan was the focus of the list of share ownership changes above 5% of the Indonesia Stock Exchange on Thursday, March 6. He purchased an additional 46.89 million shares in the palm oil company PT Nusantara Sawit Sejahtera Tbk (NSSS). The individual investor's shares went from 10.29% to 10.48% after the acquisition through PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia had been made.

Then, PTRO's controller, PT Kreasi Jasa Persada, acquired 17.46 million shares of PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO). Through PT BNI Sekuritas, the investor acquired shares totaling 41.69%.

Then, through PT Yuanta Sekuritas Indonesia, PT Goldfive Investment Capital acquired 7 million shares of PT Bintang Samudera Mandiri Lines Tbk (BSML), a shipping and logistics company. Currently, 45.64% of the issuer's shares are owned by this controller.

PT Delta Wibawa Bersama, a shareholder in LUCY, also purchased 4 million shares via PT Mandiri Sekuritas. Its stake in PT Lima Dua Lima Tiga Tbk (LUCY), a restaurant company, climbed marginally to 58.65%.

PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk (ROTI), a bread manufacturer, purchased up to 1.37 million shares as part of its ongoing share repurchase. Through PT BCA Sekuritas, this issuer purchased its shares, acquiring 8.4% of the total.

However, this time around, Cathay Utima Investment Pte Ltd released the highest number of shares. With the remaining 38.41% of shares, the foreign investor sold 30.79 million shares of the paper firm PT Suparma Tbk (SPMA) through PT Bank DBS Indonesia.

Additionally, Prajogo Pangestu sold off three million shares of his petrochemical company, PT Chandra Asri Pacific (TPIA). He kept his stake amount at about 5.05% after completing the deal through PT Bahana Sekuritas.

Additionally, two PT MD Entertainment Tbk (FILM) investors were observed selling shares once more. Following the sale of 327,300 FILM shares by PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia, 275,100 shares were sold by foreign investor Morgan Stanley And Co International Plc. Morgan Stanley held 11.54% of FILM, while Samuel Sekuritas held around 5.44%.

Lastly, PT Abadi Kreasi Unggul Nusantara's ownership percentage of PT Sinergi Inti Andalan Prima Tbk's (INET) shares was down, according to the IDX. The percentage of this controlling share decreased from 69.38% to 69.37%, although the total number of shares owned remained unchanged. PT NH Korindo Sekuritas Indonesia and four other securities were used to make the share exchange. (KD)

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