SMLE - PT. Sinergi Multi Lestarindo Tbk

Rp 98

-2 (-2,00%)

JAKARTA – The addition of 8.18 billion shares in the minimarket company PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (AMRT) by investor PT Sigmantara Alfindo was noted in the list of changes in share ownership above 5% of the Indonesia Stock Exchange on Friday, March 7. The investor now owns 53.19% of AMRT through PT Korea Investment And Sekuritas Indonesia, making them the controlling stakeholder.

By acquiring 5.03 billion shares of energy investment issuer PT MNC Energy Investments Tbk (IATA), PT Karya Pacific Investama also added shares in an impressive quantity. Through PT UOB Kay Hian Sekuritas, the deal was completed, and shares instantly increased from 24% to 37.39%.

Then, PT Teletransmedia invested 382.77 million shares in PT Dyandra Media International Tbk (DYAN), an organization that organizes events. After the transaction through PT Mandiri Sekuritas was completed, its share part rose from 42.51% to 51.47%.

It also seemed that two other major stockholders increased their holdings. PT Kreasi Jasa Persada purchased over 23 million shares of mining and construction firm PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO), while PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk purchased 74.26 million shares of media issuer PT Surya Citra Media Tbk (SCMA). Kreasi Jasa now owns about 42% of PTRO, while Elang Mahkota now owns 62.82% of SCMA.

On the other hand, PT Sinergi Asia Corporindo implemented the biggest share reduction this time. Via PT NH Korindo Sekuritas Indonesia, this SMLE controlling stakeholder sold 100 million shares of chemical supplier PT Sinergi Multi Lestarindo (SMLE), keeping the remaining 73.12% of the shares.

Manoj Dhamoo Punjabi, an individual investor, sold 70 million shares of PT MD Entertainment Tbk (FILM) in the subsequent divestment. He carried out a transaction through PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia with the remaining 5.13% of the shares.

Subsequently, Budi Aditya Erna Mulyanto sold 20.88 million shares of PT Remala Abadi Tbk (DATA), an internet service provider, through PT MNC Sekuritas. Prajogo Pangestu then sold 4.54 million shares of PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (TPIA), a petrochemical issuer, through PT Bahana Sekuritas. Approximately 5% of the shares are currently owned by both investors, respectively.

CGS International Securities Singapore Pte Ltd completed the final sale by selling 3.50 million shares of PT Wilton Makmur Indonesia Tbk (SQMI), a gold mining business. Following the completion of the sale through PT CGS International Sekuritas Indonesia, the percentage of its shares dropped slightly to 18.11 percent. (KD)

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