Referring to the letter of PT Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works Tbk. Number: 002/VII/DIR/17/JKS dated on July 18, 2017 regarding the Explanation of Volatility, in which there is information that the Company has lost the factory and distributor cooperation contract which is the reason of the company is not able to exercise the production until July 18, 2017, and in order to conduct regular, fair and efficient securities trading, Bourse decided to temporarily suspend the securities trading of PT Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works Tbk. (JKSW) in Regular and Cash Market since the first trading session on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 until further announcement.

Currently, Bourse is in the process of reviewing further of the Company. Bourse appealed to the stakeholders to always pay attention to the information disclosure submitted by the Company.

JKSW - PT. Jakarta Kyoei Steel Works Tbk

Rp 60

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