Bond structure:


PT. Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk (PNBN)

Target proceeds of shelf registration bond

Rp. 10 trillion

Fourth phase issuance

Rp 1.5 trillion, coupon rate of 7.40%, tenor April 18, 2021

Bond rating from PT. Pemeringkat Efek Indonesian (PEFINDO)

IDAA (Double A)


  • PT. Danareksa Sekuritas
  • PT. Evergreen Sekuritas Indonesia
  • PT. Indopremier Sekuritas
  • PT. RHB Indonesian Securities
  • PT. Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk

Proceeds usage 

For working capital in business development, especially in credit disbursement.


Effective Date

June 17, 2016

Public Offering Period

April 12-13, 2018

Allotment Date

April 16, 2018

Recording Date

April 19, 2018

PNBN - PT. Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk

Rp 1.230

+15 (+1,24%)