JAKARTA. The total incoming bids recorded in the auction of Government Securities (lit. Surat Utang Negara/SUN) yesterday (28/5) was recorded at IDR 47.11 trillion, lower than the bids in May 14 auction of IDR 49.42 trillion.

There were 8 series of SUN offered in the auction last Wednesday. They consisted of 2 series of Treasury Notes (lit. Surat Perbendaharaan Negara/SPN) and 6 FR series of Government Bonds (Obligasi Negara/ON).

SPN12250529 reported the lowest incoming bids for SPN series with IDR 4.19 trillion. For ON series, FR0101 recorded the highest amount of bids of IDR 14.73 trillion.

“The total awarded amount from 8 offered series is IDR 22 trillion,” said the Directorate-General of Budget Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance.

In the second quarter (Q2) of 2024, the Indonesian government had conducted three SUN auctions. The total awarded amount recorded in the auction held on April 30, 2024, reached IDR 21.5 trillion, while May 14 auction brought in IDR 21.36 trillion.

Therefore, total awarded amount in SUN auction in Q2 2024 is IDR 64.86 trillion, as of May 29, 2024. (KR/ZH)