JAKARTA – Indonesia Statistics (lit. Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS) recorded inflation at 2.84% in May 2024 from May 2023 at 4%. Meanwhile, inflation in May 2024, since December 2023 (year-to-date/ytd), has declined 1.16%.

In the press release of BPS quoted today (3/6), inflation is driven by several commodities, particularly food, beverages, and tobacco products of 6.18%, followed by personal care and other services of 4.99%, and food and beverage suppliers (restaurant) of 2.51%.

Five provinces with the highest inflation from May 2023 to May 2025 are Central Papua of 5.39%, followed by Gorontalo of 4.91%, West Papua of 4.58%, Riau of 4.28%, and North Sumatra of 4.28%.

For monthly inflation (April-May 2024), the number went minus 0.03%, driven by expenditure categories of transportation (-0.36%), food, beverage, and tobacco products (-0.29%), and restaurants (-0.26%). (LK/ZH)