JAKARTA - Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Carbon/Indonesian Carbon Exchange recorded 67 companies using carbon exchange services as of June 28, 2024.

Aman Santosa, Head of the Financial Inclusion and Communication Literacy Department, Financial Services Authority (OJK) said that the total carbon volume was recorded at 608,740 tCO2e and an accumulated value of IDR 36.79 billion since it was launched on September 26, 2023 to June 28, 2024. "Details of transactions, in the negotiation market at 50.23% and in the marketplace 0.05%," he said in a press release in Jakarta (9/7).

According to him, the potential for users of carbon exchange services and the carbon units offered will grow in the future. Because currently, the National Registry System for Climate Change Control (SRINPPI) records 3,834 registrants who use carbon services.

For the record, carbon service users are parties who have the right to use the system or facilities of the Carbon Exchange Organizer (PBK) in accordance with PBK regulations. (LK/LM)