JAKARTA – Bank UOB Indonesia officially hosts UOB Economic Outlook 2025 today (25/9) in Jakarta, titled “Ushering a New Dawn for a Remarkable Indonesia”, discussing chances and opportunities to advance Indonesia’s economy in 2025 under the new presidential term.

Hendra Gunawan, President Director of Bank UOB Indonesia, mentioned that Indonesia has solid economic foundation along with political stability following successful general election earlier this year. In the press release quoted today (25/9), Bank UOB Indonesia is even projecting Indonesia’s GDP growth to reach 5.2% in 2024, even arriving 5.3% in 2025.

“Export growth, especially in natural resources, agriculture, and manufacturing sectors, showed positive trend. We are committed to support foreign investment and primary sectors, namely infrastructure, manufacture, and green technology,” added Gunawan during his opening speech at UOB Economic Outlook 2025.

However, according to Gunawan, in order to compete with other countries, Indonesia must always be cautious towards global economic situation and geopolitical uncertainty.

“It is important for us all, including the government, regulator, industry actors, and banking sector, to come together to face the future with solid confidence and strategy,” said Gunawan.

In line with this, Ferry Irawan, Deputy of Coordinating Board for Macro Economy and Finance of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of Indonesia, also appreciates UOB for its consistent effort in connecting bureaucrats, economists, and stakeholders of UOB in UOB Economic Outlook forum.

“This event works great in bridging the government and business players. Thus, hopefully, with this event, the concerns and the ongoing projects of the government, can be conveyed to industry players,” added Irawan on the same occasion. (ZH)