
Construction of three airports does not use state budget

29 August 2018 14:46

JAKARTA - Ministry of Transportation asserted that the construction of three airports not using APBN funds is the role of SOE synergy.

The role of BUMN is needed by the government in order to reduce dependence on the state budget, while the community's need for transportation facilities and infrastructure continues to increase.

"The three airports are Fatmawati Airport in Bengkulu, Radin Inten Airport in Lampung and Sentani Airport in Papua. If the cooperation activities continue to take place, government funds can be used for others," said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi quoted from Bisnis.

The funds that should have been used for the construction of the three airports were diverted to accelerate the construction of other airports, namely Buntukunik Airport in Toraja and Taufik Kiemas Airport in Pekon Serai. Both airports are confirmed to be completed in 2019, earlier than expected to be completed in 2020.

Budi said that currently a number of transportation sector infrastructure projects had been running and were prepared by the KPBU pilot project, and could be implemented in other transportation infrastructure developments. (HR)

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