
Agriculture sector ‘most promising’ post-COVID-19 pandemic, says Padjadjaran University economist

08 May 2020 11:42

BANDUNG - The agriculture sector will be the most economically promising sector after the end of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, says Padjadjaran University economist Dr Aldrin Herwany.

According to Dr Herwany, the sector will be the most promising because the pandemic has increased public awareness about the importance of food at present and in the future.

“Amid the COVID-19 pandemic people need food, but they can’t independently grow crops for their own needs,” he said in a webinar as quoted by Antara, Thursday (7/5).

Dr Herwany added that investment after the pandemic will shift to agriculture and investors, particularly those from overseas, will seek farming land.

“I think this can be used by the Job Creation Bill to regulate foreign investment. There is enough farming land in West Java, but most of it is controlled by PTPN (state-owned farming and plantation company PT Perkebunan Nusantara),” Dr Herwany concluded. (MS)

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