BALI - PT. Bali Towerindo Sentra Tbk

Rp 1.330

-50 (-3,62%)

JAKARTA. PT Bali Towerindo Sentra Tbk (BALI) will expand its data centre and CCTV business lines after establishing these services as ancillary business lines since 2018.

The management of BALI said that paying more attention to the development of the data centre and CCTV business lines will optimise the utilisation rate of existing telecommunication towers and fibre optic network. “Our data centre, as of now, has a surplus in its capacity, which could be offered to our users,” the management added in the official statement.

The boost in asset utilisation rate is in line with the increase in the demand for data centre and CCTV services following the current digital technology development. “The additional business line proposed by the company is a form of expansion within the scope that is still relevant with existing business segment,” the management reasoned.

In order to proceed with this new business line reinforcement, BALI will first ask for approval during its Extraordinaty General Shareholders Meeting on February 10, 2023. In this meeting, the company plans to add this business line into the Indonesia Standard Industrial Classification (KBLI). (KR/ZH)