ARGO - PT. Argo Pantes Tbk

Rp 790

+30 (+3,95%)

JAKARTA — PT Argo Pantes Tbk (ARGO) will hand over its assets in the form of yarn spinning machine in Cibitung, Bekasi and Cikokol, Tangerang.

Widarsono, Corporate Secretary of Argo Pantes, claimed that this plan will be discussed further in the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting on January 18, 2022. "The company intends to hand over said machine to other parties as those spinners have been idle for a while," he explained, revealing the agenda for the upcoming meeting, quoted Tuesday (10/1).

Furthermore, the company is currently developing a warehouse rental business to obtain additional value from its land and building.

For the record, ARGO manages warehouse and office rental business in Tangerang and Bekasi. (LK/ZH)