BUMI - PT. Bumi Resources Tbk

Rp 98

+4 (+4,00%)

JAKARTA - On Wednesday, January 11, the trading volume of foreign investors, both buying and selling, was in the 1.8 billion share range. To be more specific, foreign investors purchased approximately 1.813 billion shares from Indonesian issuers and sold roughly 1.889 billion. As a result, the foreign net volume was only minus 76.44 million shares this time.

The highest volume of purchases by foreign investors was made by PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) and PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI), with 371.26 million GOTO and 327.83 million BUMI, respectively. These two issuers also had the highest net volume, with BUMI having 98.06 million and GOTO having 85.47 million.

Foreign investors also purchased 52.36 million shares of PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk (ADRO) with a net volume of 18.82 million, followed by 46.02 million shares of PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk (ERAA) with a net volume of 34.44 million. Foreigners are also still interested in the shares of a wine company, PT Hatten Bali Tbk (WINE), after purchasing 15.25 million shares.

In contrast, three banking issuers have the highest volume of foreign sales. First, foreign shareholders sold 178.16 million shares of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI), with a net volume of 63.95 million shares. Following that, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA) and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI) shares were sold at nearly the same volume, namely 96 million shares. Despite this, BBCA had a net volume of -42.05 million units, while BMRI had a slightly higher net volume of -34.31 million shares. Finally, foreign investors released 35.44 million shares of PT Bukalapak.com Tbk (BUKA) and 22.65 million shares of PT Astrindo Nusantara Infrastruktur Tbk (BIPI) from their pockets. (KD)

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