MSIN - PT. MNC Digital Entertainment Tbk

Rp 595

+20 (+3,48%)

JAKARTA. PT MNC Digital Entertainment Tbk (MSIN), through Vision+, has partnered up with TV Asia Broadcast Sdn Bhd (Panorama), a subsidiary of Digistar Corporation Berhad (Digistar).

Said collaboration is meant as a way to expand the distribution of Vision+’s digital content via set-up boxes that are sold and distributed by Digistar. The scope of sales and distribution of these set-up boxes include several networks of hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and office spaces in Malaysia.

“Malaysia has a culture and taste for entertainment highly similar to Indonesian masses. We believe that this collaboration will become our stepping stone so that our local contents are internationally acknowledged,” Hary Tanoeseodibjo, President Director of MSIN.

In this collaboration, Vision+ will offer up to 20 thousand hours of its best Video on Demand (VOD) contents. Some of them include Ikatan Cinta, Preman Pensiun, Master Chef Indonesia, X Factor Indonesia, Si Doel the Series, etc.

For the record, Digistar is a publicly listed company in Malaysia Stock Exchange. It has operated for over 40 years, focusing on technology, hotel industry, and government’s financial initiatives. (KR/ZH)