SMBR - PT. Semen Baturaja Tbk

Rp 165

-4 (-2,00%)

JAKARTA – The shareholders of  PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk (SMBR) has tapered the board of commissioners and directors.

Based on the information disclosure quoted Friday (27/1), the change in the structure of its boards of directors and commissioners were approved during the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting yesterday (24/1). Said meeting was joined by the representatives of 7.99 billion units of shares, equivalent to 80.4762% of entire issued shares of SMBR.

Furthermore, the title of Director of Production and Development and Director of Finance and Risk Management will be shortened to Director. Then, it was also revealed that Darusman Wawardi and Oke Nurwan, Independent Commissioner and Commissioner of SMBR, has stepped down from the Board of Commissioners. The shareholders also agreed to ask Mukhamad Saifudin and Gatot Mardiana, Director of Marketing and Director of General Affairs and HR, to step down from their positions.

Now, SMBR only has three commissioners from the initial four. They are Franciscus M A Sibarani as President Commissioner, Hadi Daryanto as Commissioner, and Chowadja Sanova as Independent Commissioner. Its directors were also tapered down from five to three, consisting of Daconi Khotob as President Director, Suherman Yahya as Director of Operations, and Tubagus M. Dharury as Director of Finance and HR. (LK/ZH)