KPPU finds cooking oil price above HET

JAKARTA - The government is asked to act to fulfill the supply of bulk cooking oil (migor) and Minyakita, packaged oil in order to minimize the potential for business competition violations.
Mulyawan Ranamanggala, Economic Director of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) said that a survey showed that the price of bulk oil and Minyakita is above the highest retail price (HET) and difficult to obtain. "This condition is allegedly used by distributors to carry out conditional sales (tying-in) between Minyakita and other products marketed by sellers," he said in a press release quoted on Wednesday (1/2).
According to him, the price of bulk oil and Minyakita is around 5%-14% above the HET. KPPU found allegations of tying-in in Surabaya, Balikpapan and Yogyakarta.
Referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade No.49/2022 concerning Management of the People's Migor Program, the HET for migor is set at IDR 14,000 per liter or 15,500 per kilogram (kg). (LK/LM)