Crypto exchange targeted to be completed this year

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade targets the crypto asset exchange to be completed in early Semester I of 2023.
Zulkifli Hasan, Trade Minister said that cryptocurrencies are needed because crypto assets will grow rapidly in 2023. "Even though the value of crypto asset transactions weakened in 2022, on the other hand many companies are integrating blockchain technology into their business activities," he said in a press release quoted Friday (3/2).
Crypto asset transactions in 2022 amounted to IDR 296.66 trillion, a decrease compared to the value of crypto transactions in 2021 of IDR 859.4 trillion. Meanwhile, in 2020, the value of crypto transactions was recorded at IDR 64.9 trillion.
According to him, the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti) will become a supervisor and regulator of crypto asset trading referring to CoFTRA Regulation No.13/2022 concerning Amendments to CoFTRA Regulation No.8/2021 concerning Guidelines for Organizing Physical Market Crypto Asset Trading. (LK/LM)