Energi Mega Persada to be listed in MSCI Small Cap Index

JAKARTA. PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (ENRG), an oil and gas company owned by the Bakrie Group, will be included in the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Small Cap Index.
Syailendra S. Bakrie, President Director of ENRG, said that the company's entry into the MSCI Small Cap Index is effective from March 1, 2023. "The list of issuers included in the MSCI Small Cap Index is routinely evaluated and announced by MSCI every quarter," said Bakrie, through an official statement received by idnfinancials.com.
As of September 30, 2022, ENRG posted net sales of US$344 million. Meanwhile, the company's operating profit was recorded at US$131 million and its net profit was US$44 million.
From the production side, ENRG's oil production volume was recorded at 5,148 barrels per day. Meanwhile, the company's gas production volume reached 204 million cubic feet of gas per day.
"The company currently operates proven and probable reserves of 37 million barrels of oil and 649 billion cubic feet of gas," said Bakrie. (KR/LM)