INCO - PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk

Rp 3.570

-30 (-0,83%)

JAKARTA – PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) has started the construction of an integrated, low-carbon nickel smelting facility in Sambalagi, Morowali, worth IDR 37.5 trillion.

Febriany Eddy, President Director of Vale Indonesia, revealed that the total production capacity of said smelting facility is 73 thousand tons per year. “The best mining practice will be implemented throughout Sorowako Block to Morowali,” Eddy said in the press release quoted Monday (13/2).

This project is a collaboration between INCO and PT Bahodopi Nickel Smelting Indonesia (BNSI). The mines are located in East Bungku and Bahodopi District, whereas the smelting plant is located in Sambalagi, Bungku Pesisir, Morowali.

The smelting plant will utilise gas-fired power plant in order to minimise carbon emission, targeting 33% reduction by 2030. (LK/ZH)