JAKARTA – MEGABUILD and Keramika Indonesia 2023 exhibition will be the timely occasion for material and construction industries, as well as professionals, to highlight sustainability issues in their respective fields.
This upcoming annual exhibition in Senayan will feature collaboration with several professional associations that promote green value in the construction industry. “We collaborate with partners, such as Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) and Green Product Council Indonesia (GCPI), which focus on sustainability issues,” Royanto Handaya, President Director of PT Pameran Masa Kini, the event organiser.
According to Teguh Aryanto, Secretary of the Jakarta Chapter of Indonesian Institute of Architects (lit. Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia/IAI), architects now start to show their concern towards sustainability. “Architects has become more selective in choosing materials for a design they are working on; the raw materials have to possess high green value,” he said.
Meanwhile, representing interior designers, Rohadi, Chairman of Indonesian Society of Interior Designers (lit. Himpunan Desain Interior Indonesia/HDII) said that, “We are quite aware of green label products. However, we [interior designers] shift our focus more to the function and application of these materials.”
On the other hand, Indonesian Ceramic Industry Association (lit. Asosiasi Aneka Industri Keramik Indonesia/ASAKI) is quite confident in the green quality of domestic ceramic products. Edy Suyanto, Head of ASAKI, claimed that Indonesia’s ceramic products have green products certificates and are manufactured using liquefied natural gas (LNG), which are more environmentally friendly than ceramics from other countries. “If we opted for imported products, the carbon footprints would also worsen,” he claimed. (ZH)