DSNG - PT. Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk

Rp 935

+10 (+1,00%)

JAKARTA – The profit of PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk (DNSG), a palm plantation company, increased 63% year-on-year (yoy) to IDR 1.2 trillion in 2022. This gain resulted from increases in crude palm oil (CPO) and processed wood products sales.

Andrianto Oetomo, President Director of Dharma Satya Nusantara, mentioned that the sales were seen increasing 35% yoy from IDR 7.12 trillion to IDR 9.63 trillion. “The company basked in the palm oil price surge in 2022, which was the highest in the history,” he said in Jakarta, as quoted Wednesday (1/3).

Palm products generated IDR 8.12 trillion or 84% of total revenue, followed by processed wood products of IDR 1.52 trillion. The palm products showed 40% rise from IDR 5.79 trillion in 2021, thanks to increases in CPO volume and average price.

In 2022, fresh fruit bunches production clocked up to 2.2 million tons, shifting 14% from 2021. Then, the production of CPO reached 640 thousand tons, while the sales were recorded growing 18% yoy. The average price of CPO also shifted 21% yoy from IDR 9.2 million per ton to IDR 11.2 million per ton.

The volume of Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) sales was at 39 thousand tons in 2022, rising 26% from 31 thousand tons. Its price also increased 6% yoy from IDR 16.5 million per ton to IDR 17.5 million per ton.

Lastly, the volume of engineered flooring sales was recorded at 1.117 million m2, boasting 6% yoy growth in its average selling price. (LK/ZH)