TRIS - PT. Trisula International Tbk

Rp 159

+1 (+0,63%)

JAKARTA. PT Trisula International Tbk (TRIS) recorded net sales of IDR 1.49 trillion in the fiscal year 2022, increasing 36.4% year-on-year (yoy) or compared to the previous year.

TRIS’s sales growth in 2022 exceeded the growth projection set by the company at the end of 2022 of 30%.

According to the recently issued annual report, most of TRIS’s sales in 2022 were supported by the contribution of its manufacturing business line that hit IDR 1.21 trillion. Then, the distribution business line generated IDR 346.59 billion in 2022, followed by the uniform business of IDR 153.67 billion, and retail business of IDR 135.97 billion.

With this growth in sales, TRIS managed to book a net profit of IDR 34.16 billion in 2022, which was sixfold the net profit in 2021 of IDR 4.83 billion.

Until December 31, 2022, TRIS’s total assets clocked up to IDR 1.78 trillion, while its total equity reached IDR 712.02 billion. (KR/ZH)