ASGR - PT. Astra Graphia Tbk

Rp 835

+20 (+2,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Astra Graphia Tbk (ASGR) will distribute dividend of IDR 38.83 billion from its net profit of the fiscal year 2022 of IDR 97.07 billion.

The result of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting quoted Thursday (6/4) mentioned that 40% of the net profit in 2022 is allocated as dividend. The total dividend is IDR 29 per share, which has included the interim dividend of IDR 8 per share paid on October 24, 2022. Then, the remaining IDR 21 per share will be disbursed on May 5, 2023. The remaining 60% of the net profit will then be stored as retained earnings.

The meeting was held yesterday (3/4), joined by investors that hold 1.06 billion shares, or 79.08% of the total shares with valid votes. The shareholders that are entitled to this dividend is those listed as official shareholders by April 14, 2023. (LK/ZH)